
The Movement of Change

Light fills you.  Let us guide you to allow the light you are to become so full and bright.  Let us lead you onto your power-centre, angelic ones.  The light fills the night and stars sing in harmony!  For, one as bright as you cannot be ignored.  There is so much you have to give with just being the light.  All you need do is be it because you are it!
Hello, divine ones.  We love you and we are here.  Support comes to you from great masses of us here as we gather collectively to bring one message which we have co-created for you.  The Earth collective is strong, now.  There is a surge of change occurring and the number five is prevalent alone or when adding groups of numbers.  The influx of energy has sent a wave of change and undulations are flooding old sediment to the surface to be skimmed with a net.  Clear waters run through and bring clarity to the ways of the past.  Clarity is brought into the present where past isn’t dominant anymore.  The sediment is lifted and released with love.  Particles remain and these are quickly being dissolved in the massive waves of awakenings occurring at this time.
Purpose and mission are words riding in as energy swims and stirs around you.  Inner seeking is taking on a new meaning when purpose and mission are no longer about action and effort.  Effort is dissolving with the other remaining particles of the old world.  A new way of being sweeps your planet, loving ones.  All cultures are bathing in this reconfiguration of systems.  Divine guidance travels fast when so many are receptive.  A need for help was never as predominant before, globally.  However one chooses to open to suggestions is not important because the openness is the allowing.  Giving a moment to creativity is being open.  The most heartfelt prayer is being open.  But, one is not receiving more than the other.  Being open is being open, no matter how you get there.
Without our asking, the collective is instinctively reaching for guidance from within.  Revelations are widespread!  Some are saying it was divinely inspired and some say it came from their own creativity and we love it all!  WE only want to assist and shine light into your own ability to create.  Whether you give us all the credit or know nothing of divine guidance isn’t important when such great strides are being made.  It only matters that attention is moving to creation for the purpose of enjoyment.  A movement is happening and it isn’t religious; it’s a human movement.  All humans want to live in fullness and love and comfort, and the movement is a force of its own.
Be in flow with the waves of change, loving ones.  You have no more to do except receive.  Let the movement gather inertia through your allowing.  Sit back and give it trust and watch in amazement as the signs and magic roll out around you!  Most of all, enjoy it!  When you enjoy, you allow and you help to create, and this is your mastery!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
