
The Guiding Light of Your Awakening

Hello, divine ones. We are here and we love you. Here we are with you and sending so much energy of love and understanding your way. We are finding a great deal of understanding for your circumstances and we are finding a way to relate to you when you are more deeply identifying with your experience as your own. The soul wishes to be drenched in belief as to receive particular benefits and rewards. You must sometimes be at a deeper level of belief within the dreamscape in order to achieve the best results. We understand and we are coming into that dreamscape where you are deeply entrenched and we are reaching our hands to you to let you know we are available when you are ready to come out. 
Our loving ones, we are always looking for better ways to reach you without pulling you out of your dream before you are finished with it. We sometimes position ourselves within the dream and take on the identity of an animal, person, or object. We are finding more ways to reach you while you are under the spell of forgetfulness because you asked to be made aware that the option to wake up be obvious and available in a moment’s notice. When you are ready to awaken, there are many signs sitting around you and ready to be activated as soon as you ask the first question from within your heart. 
Let us be here with you in whatever capacity suits your present wishes. If you would like to experience frustration, uncertainty, hope, or revelations, your soul will guide you at just the right moment and to just the right place. We can ask you to trust that moments will be made available when you are ready, but you might also be wishing to feel more mistrust or doubt, so then trusting in your own soul would be rather difficult. 
So, you see why us guides prefer to take a very hands-off approach and let you tell us when you are in the position to receive assistance. We have become very skilled at reading your signs and you are becoming more skilled at reading ours. We know, without a doubt, when you say “go” because your whole body and soul quakes and shimmers and vibrates with such exciting intensity when you first ponder the idea that you are within something much more profound than you thought it was. We feel it within our own vibration and it’s our moment to shine. 
You can count on us to be what you need when you are ready because this is our purpose and our mission; to be the guiding light of your awakening. Allow yourself the enjoyment of every morsel of the experience you’ve chosen and know that the moment will be presented when your soul calls for your next awakening. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
