
Your Role on Earth is the Most Important Role

Hello, divine ones.  Here we are.  We’re all here.  Yes, we are with you and yes, we are a part of your lives, each one.  There is nothing we don’t know about you and we are here to say that we love it all.  We love everything about each human experience there on Earth because it represents one aspect of the entirety of Love, having a singular experience.  Each one is acting out one role of Love’s destiny.  There is one destination for Love and it’s to experience itself to the fullest possible extent.  Love is all that is.  Love is masquerading as many things all at once.
Your role on Earth is known to your higher self.  Your position in love’s grand quest is the most valuable position, and we say that to each of you!  Each one is equally important because each one is the entirety of love.  There are not portions and parts of love separate from each other, sweet ones; you are each all of love.  Contained within you is the complete and whole package of love and this is within all of us.  We are all-encompassing love.  There isn’t any part of us which isn’t love and there isn’t any part of love which isn’t us!!  It’s all-inclusive and all-surrounding.  WE are everything.
We are here asking you to let go and give in.  We are here asking that you release all fears and judgements about your own personal journey as well as everyone else’s.  If you can feel and see within you this connection we share as one and the same, then you can feel our purpose being carried out in unity and not in separation, as it appears to be.  We are all playing the most important role to give love exactly what it’s after.  It all works together, down to the most subtle emotions and reactions.  We can allow Love to have its experience through us if we allow ourselves to be who we are and allow others to be who they are.
This parallel we draw between the individual life experience and love’s grand wish is meant to unify, enlighten, encourage, and console.  We want you to release the friction and force.  Don’t hold back anymore.  Don’t fight who you are.  You are a divine and perfect being of Light, full of ideas, hopes, dreams, and magic.  It’s meant to be shared in its importance.  You are on Earth to be what Love is asking you to be.
Let go, sweet angels.  You’re needed and your self-acceptance and self-appreciation is the way in.  Start by loving who you are and what your passions ask of you, and you will automatically love everyone else because you’ll see how their part is needed, you’ll see how it all fits together as a perfect puzzle, and you’ll see that you are all the same.  You are all Love playing a game that ultimately gives it what it seeks: To be in variety so that it can know itself in fullness and expansion.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
