
How You Help The Guides to Help You

Loving angels of the Earth plane, hello and welcome. We greet you with heartfelt love and honour because we feel comradery with you. We are a team here in this ascension journey and we help and guide each other. Yes, you guide us, too. With each decision you make to find acceptance and comfort with your reality, you show us how to better assist your Earth family. 
Whenever one of you makes a step up the ladder of consciousness, we take notes. We look at what we did to help and we look at what other factors were involved, and we attempt to emulate that when helping another in their own individual journey. It’s a complicated game where we are somewhat limited by what we are able to offer while also ensuring that we personalize our assistance to suit each one. 
We use your past experiences and we recruit those around you whether they’re strangers to you or not, and we sprinkle our fairy dust over everything and watch the magic happen. Sometimes it’s very effective and gets your attention right away, and other times, we have little impact and head back to the drawing board. Whatever the outcome, we use it all to continue honing our craft which is to be the best guides to you that we can be. 
Have no doubts, loving ones; you are finding your way. We are doing this together and you are not on your own. Even the most reclusive person who loves his solitude is receiving all of the magic he needs. Even the busy woman with more tasks than she can count is receiving just what she has asked for. 
We are a team and we are choosing all of these experiences together and it’s all to move you up in the ranks of consciousness. From the most mundane to the most phenomenal, each step you make is in an upward direction. They might be baby steps or gigantic leaps, but it’s all guiding you higher and you can count on that. 
We are here to guide you and you are here to teach us to be better guides. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do and for doing your best to listen and watch for us because everything we do helps us all. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
