
Congratulations on the Latest Shift!

Hello!  We love you!!  There is a lot of love-excitement whirling around your globe, right now!  Tune in for just a moment and notice the lifting; notice the change.  See if you can feel it.  It just happened in your over-night time.  We invite you to check.
Celebration, is the feeling.  It isn’t physical, like with human voices or even sharing online, though: This is a celebration on the soul-level.  It’s like there’s a stadium of souls all chanting Blossom Goodchild’s channeled words from the Federation of Light.  It’s so loud and booming and I can hear each individual voice, but I can also hear us all together, and it’s amazing!  “I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Truth.  I am!”  When I wrote that word, “online”, it felt different, too.  It felt like I was finding a new meaning for it, like when we meet like that in a stadium with the same heart-song, we’re online in an interconnected web of souls.  It’s something like that, but I’m not quite sure.
We can concur, angel; hearts are connecting on your Earth, in a new way.  To say you’re “online” is a good descriptor for it because there is a line which runs through all of your hearts like a beautiful silver strand of light.  When you connect to that line with the love of unity, you go “online”, in the same sense that you go on the web.
This lifting, celebratory feeling you describe is due to a spike in the overall mass-consciousness of Earth.  Realizations are trending in regard to what the mission entails.  The mission is shifting as many of the awakened collective feel something, in unison: A new awakening is occurring amongst the awakened!
You might join us in comparing previous feelings to the present moment’s feelings.  There was a common theme in the awakened community which held onto the idea that the goal is to awaken the masses and bring on new members to the team.  Feel that idea, for a moment, where you get together and you each choose one person you know and would love to see awakened, so they could join you out here where you feel so separate from the world.  You might have a list of people; imagine them suddenly awakening and sharing in the joy with you.
Now, shift away from that visualization and imagine that you leave them be, just as they are, in love, acceptance, and compassion.  You see them finding their way, in their own time, and awakening softly as they prefer, without interruption or interference.  You feel comfort settle in as you give them freedom to be.
There is such a drastic difference between the feelings in these two scenarios.  Before this lifting, you may have struggled to release the thought of doing all you can to awaken as many as possible, but now, it feels different.  There’s a weight to that idea which imposes feelings of lack.  We are only reading what we feel amongst the majority; we are not saying there is a weight for you, necessarily, but this is one of the big shifts you can test for yourself, to feel for the latest collective upliftment.
Take some of these readings for yourselves and try running through some of your renowned triggers.  Bring up a scenario in your mind which would usually send you spiraling into frustration or make you squirm: See if it holds as much power over you, now.  Try other examples like the ones we’ve outlined and compare then to now.  You have a great benefit to knowing past and present, in your time-world, because you can use it for assessing your growth.
You are finding more peace in your hearts and in turn, it brings more peace to ours, and so we are better guides, thanks to your efforts.  We congratulate you on this latest shift, and we look forward to continued readings which are sure to encourage and enlighten us all, even more!  Get "online", awakened ones, and explore the trends within your collective heart's web.  The bond strengthens when you give it your love, and we are all made higher and lighter for it.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
