
The Metaphors Reflected in Your World

WE are one.
We are strong.
We are power.
We are strength.
We are song.
We are light.
We are love.
Hello, beloveds, and welcome.  This love we are wishes to be strong and bright here in this moment.  Beyond your world, you can find the peace and stillness of oneness.  Your world might be showing you what separation looks like, but it’s only a representation of love.  Love is always showing and guiding and it will stand in front of wherever you are placing your focus and attention at the time.  If now you are focused outwardly into this world you’ve created, then love will stand there and look back at you in whatever way it can in an effort to show you what’s real. 
If you look out into your projected, external reality and see separation, then that’s love showing you that there is something you can change about the way you see.  The external world is only showing you the way back within, into yourself, which is all there is: one self.  Love wants to show you the way back within, so it will give you what you need to help you do that.  When you look outside of you, you look into a dream filled with metaphors.  Your task is to interpret these metaphors and explore many different ways you of doing so.

Because you are looking to the outside as your reality, you look to the outside for answers, too.  After all external searching is exhausted and you find answers are not available there, you’ll turn to the place you haven’t looked: within yourself.  The external world is not wrong and not to be dismissed because it is a guide and a direct reflection of you.  Your external world is you, projected outwardly, and reflected back to you in metaphors.  Look all you want, but let it guide you back to yourself.  The world is only a mirror, a dream, a representation of you, and not the purest you. 
You have created many faces in your mirror, and you keep adding more and more until you can’t tell who’s who anymore; they all appear to be strangers with many names, spread out across your globe, and it’s overwhelming to your mind.  Similar to the exhausted search for answers in your outside world, the many faces exhaust you, just the same.  You are presented with a gift here with these many faces because each one is your own reflection.  Each of these supposed strangers is quite literally another you or another self showing up as your very own metaphor.  Not one other, in your dreamed-up external reality, is an “other”, angel; you’re the only one and you’re doing all you can to help yourself find that out.

Metaphors, like riddles, aren’t always clear the first time you hear them, but with some contemplation, they make sense.  This dream you’ve created is like that; you’ll begin asking within and the riddle will become clear.  This is your world, you have created it, and it’s yours to interpret.  We promise that when you move within and feel the love in your heart, your answers will be easy: There is only one and the one is Love.  Love is reflecting to you, just as you need it to, so that you can find the way inside where these answers live and respond to every question you might have about the world you see around you. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
