
What to Do With Your Passion

Hello to you and welcome!  What a joy, honour and treat It is for us to be with you like this!  We love to put down some words for a message like this and we love for it to have a feeling, each time.  Each of our messages comes to you with heart, meaning that we put all of our love into it.  We want to express to you how much love we have for you and your journey.  It's a wonderful journey and it's full of steps and stages to move you to the next level. 
You might feel that you are destined for something.  As a child, what drew you in?  What passion did you have?  Was there a storybook or movie that inspired you and captured your heart?  Were you fascinated by the way things are put together?  Did you love to create?  Whatever you were drawn to was inspiring the light in you to awaken.  That feeling of interest and curiosity is built-in and it shows you what lights you up the most. 
You might not know exactly what to do with this feeling, by way of physical action, but maybe your destiny isn’t in the physical world as much as it is in the internal world.  There are all types of destinies and many ways to serve Source-Consciousness and not all of them are related to monetary income.  Sometimes your service or purpose derives a much greater richness than money and it is the discovery of the riches you hold within. 
There is a wealth and abundance in you greater than any treasure in your physical world, and it’s the discovery of who you are.  When you look back upon your life and recall those passionate moments where you felt most alive, look also to the ones which gave you the opposite response.  If you pursued that which didn’t feel like passion, your body and spirit let you know and you felt discouraged and defeated.  You turned to what brought money, but it didn’t bring the wealth you were truly seeking. 
Behold the true you, here and now.  At this stage of your journey, it’s time to unlock the truth and feel for who you are.  Your journey might be to explore within, and that might not mean you must embark on a spiritual career.  Light yourself up with your passion and let it guide you.  Each time you do this, you take another step in your journey of consciousness. 
Your passion will guide you by how you feel.  Let options present themselves and feel what it would be like to follow them.  Your passion can change, but if you know what constantly pulls you back in, then you know where to put your attention, angels.  It isn’t so much about what you do as it is about how you feel, so focus on the wonderful feelings and enjoy them and let go of the pressure to think there’s more you must do with it or about it.  Just enjoy!  In joy, you lift your vibration and you lift everyone’s and that’s the one same purpose we all share, no matter what our journey is! 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
