
Sending and Receiving Telepathic Messages

Hello, sweet soul.  Welcome to this chat.  We love you!  We are your family and we want to show you what that means to us.  You can pick up these words and then feel what we have to say in this transmission, or you can feel us loving you even when we don’t have words to share.  We do often have words because it’s a beautiful way for us to communicate with you, right now.  For now, you read and then take in the feelings.  We put the words down because it’s our way to reach you and to help you to find ways to feel us without them. 
Something in your physical world might remind you of your family and put your thoughts on them, and that is exactly what we are talking about when we suggest other ways to communicate and feel the love coming to you.  A signal such as a number, phrase, or song might remind you of another member of Source-consciousness, and that thought moves you to that beloved soul, instantly.  Love did that through you, for you, and as you!
Your link to your family of consciousness lets you set up signs and cues along your path because you are connected securely, behind the scenes.  The bond is so tight that you can contact anyone within consciousness right now and without any effort.  One thought is all it takes and it’s through.  Send your thought, release, and trust that it has been received.  There is no gap in time or distance, and no further effort required: You think of your beloved, and it is received on their end.  Yes, the human bodies might be miles apart, but the consciousness is one. 
All thoughts are shared within consciousness, so when a thought is focused intentionally, it can be delivered effortlessly.  If you put your thought out to the whole collective, it isn’t any different: Direct it to one or to all, and know that the sharing is done.  Whether the human is aware or not has no bearing on the delivery and receipt: Consciousness sends and receives as soon as a thought is invented.  It’s too much for the human mind to try to wrangle them all up at once, so thoughts which are important for you will come to the surface. 
Release.  Deliver your message and trust that when it’s important for your beloved to receive it, it will come to their surface.  We are doing this with you now and this is why you’re receiving these words on this platform: It’s important for you to receive it now, and so consciousness has made it possible.  We are delivering thoughts like this regularly without also writing them physically for you, and they’re yours to pick up with your intentional focus.  You can reach beneath the surface and retrieve any thoughts which you decide are meaningful and important to you. 
You are consciousness and you can take anything consciousness offers.  Set the intention and then ask within.  The messages are there waiting, and there might be one from a beloved family member who has you on their mind.  Trust it and receive it, just like you trust that yours is delivered.  Just remember that we are united as one, and so we share everything we hold within without any effort.  If it is dreamed, it is in you, and in everyone else.  Send, receive, give, take and share it all.  Each of us can decide which thoughts and how many we want to focus on at a time, and it’s an easy skill to develop when you approach it from the perspective of oneness. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
