
Let the Heart do the Thinking

I love you, guides!!
Oh, we lov eyou, sweet angel!!  No, there is no mistake in your spacing of LOV EYOU.  Look: We Love Eye/You.  We Love I/You.  I and You is the same, and so is We!  We draw your attention to these comparisons often and it’s to bring you and those who read into your heart.  When you are reminded of our oneness, your heart activates and becomes your mind.

Let your heart be your thinking-centre.  The brain can think, too, but it isn’t a better or more reliable thinker than the heart.  You aren’t accustomed to looking at your heart as a mind but move your awareness to it for a moment and you’ll find many examples that it is.  Give it some thought, or rather, give it all your thoughts!  Thinking with the heart is different; it isn’t analytical or problem-solving.  The heart is comfortable in what it knows and has no questions, problems, confusion, or decisions to weigh.  It’s strong in its convictions and has a mind of its own.  Your heart will move you to act in ways the brain often says are illogical.  These are just some comparisons, but you get the idea.

Let’s look again at We Love I/You.  I Love I.  These are the heart’s words, angels.  The heart doesn’t know separation between you and others, but also between anything else in your external world.  Words mystify the heart because it only knows love and describing love.  Words spoken to it might as well be converted to “Love, Love, Love” because it hears nothing else when we speak to it.  But it’s possible to use your brain to explain what the heart says and feels, and it’s recommended until the brain understands the heart’s language.  Express it in words and you will find the most beautiful poetry you weren’t aware you could write.  The heart has a lot to share, and it will go on for days and days.

Hear your heart and tune in: “I love you”, it says.  Your heart is you; your heart is your mind!  “Mind over matter” applies when relating to the heart because it is focused on the realm of thought and unaware of the tangible world.  The heart wants to feel, live, breathe, and think love.  It wants to share those feelings and when it’s let loose, it can’t keep them in!  See for yourself and let it be your thinker.  You don’t need a problem to ponder or any topic of conversation because the heart will just express what you feel most deeply.
You can meditate to move your attention from your head to your heart, or you can choose to move your awareness there, in an instant.  It takes nothing more than giving it your attention and your awareness, and whatever way you can find to get there is your choice.  The heart is a natural thinker, so it will guide you.  It might be your first time hearing that the heart can think, and this awareness is already turning it on.  
Let the love burst from you and guide you in your decision-making.  You’ll find freedom and release with the heart’s easy answers, and you’ll give your brain the rest it needs.

Our love is here, you are we and we are I.  We love you and we love to guide you to your heart!  You sparkle and glow when it is activated, and you fill with joy and love!  Enjoy getting to know your heart as your mind and enjoy your new-found expressions of love!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
