
The Angel at the Controls

Our lights, the sweet, delightful stars lighting the Earth, hello and welcome.  We are with you.  We are here and ready to serve you.  Allow our embrace as an expression of admiration and respect.  It isn’t easy to be the human in the dense costume, wearing a personality often not befitting of the soul, within.  It also isn’t easy to be shielded from the truth that you are all wearing this thick layer around you, masking the love within.  You must contend with others and their rudeness, disrespect, anger, criticism, and all other outer projections of the insecurities and traumas they carry.  It isn’t easy to walk around inside of this uncomfortable outfit and play the part while also trying to see through the costumes everyone else wears.

Compassion through empathy is our suggestion here, beloveds: You know what it’s like to be human, with all of its needs and heavy layers, so you can empathize with those who are doing as you are but possibly having an even harder go of it.  Our other suggestion is to look around at your dogs and kitty-cats who are also wearing costumes, but just much thinner and more transparent ones.  Unconditional love is readily visible and the ease of being in the body is apparent in the way they move.  Amongst the many ways your animals teach you, this one where they provide proof of your ability to see a soul on the surface is so helpful, now.

Begin with you, sweet loves, and look through your human costume at the soul underneath, operating the body and mind.  That soul is unconditional love, and it lives within each being upon your planet, human or animal.  Each one is pure love directly from Source or Heaven and it’s right there on your Earth, within these wonderful and complex human costumes you wear.  You’re giving it your all, and so are they: It’s an amazing play of soul, body, and environment.  Feel for your Self within, angel.  Look at you there, in the middle of it all, being peace, love, and harmony while you peer out through the eyes of your vessel and sense your surroundings, through it.  You can feel for that same essence within each human you encounter because you know an angel is at the controls.

This ability is awake and online: You can see the soul within any being.  You don’t need our guidance because this sense is now fully activated within each of you.  The Earth-experience might feel like a giant game of “bumper-cars” where you’re all bumbling and fumbling within your vehicles, trying not to crash and burn, but we see it more like a synchronized and graceful ballet, like swans swimming in formation.  You are highly attuned to each other and operating as individual beings, perfectly coordinated, because you remain connected at the soul-level as one collective consciousness, always united and harmonized.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
