
Rise Into a New Dimension of Love

High and bright are your stars, and how they twinkle and sparkle and inspire you!  Hello, beloved angels of Light!  Your stars are your inspiration because you aspire to be one.  Each star shines and twinkles and there are some which are closer or further and thus appear to be brighter or dimmer to your eye.  To your heart, though, they are all the same and together so happy and full of joy to be alike and united as a collective.

You look to the skies, and you put Heaven up there.  Heaven is up above you and the stars are in the heavenly skies, also way up high.  You look up and everything about success in your human world has to do with climbing, rising, and moving upward.  Your bank account grows higher, your fame grows higher, your collection of followers grows higher, and you rise to the top when you gain popularity and success.

These are metaphors for what is happening on a spiritual level, and you can feel it.  There is the widely held belief that hard work brings gains and lets you rise.  Hard work is also a metaphor for doing the difficult task of looking within yourself.  For many, it’s a frightening thing to look into who they are with honesty and humility.  Fear wells up at the thought of letting the truth out because if they let it free, everyone will see.  There is much protected in a human being whose ego is in command because it says an image must be maintained for the sake of this sought-after rise to fame and fortune.

Being a star takes on new meaning when one gains the courage to face the inner self and allow it out.  Let your stars in your sky be your inspiration, beautiful ones.  You’ve made some appear brighter to your eye for a reason; they stir a desire in your heart, and you want to be like them.  The stars on your Earth are no different in how they shine and inspire!  The followers and fans see them shining and look up to them like they look up to the Heavens.

You’ve created these metaphors for yourselves, and they all point to your spiritual ascension, individually and collectively.  Feel the peace in the night sky and how the stars allow each other to shine in their own way.  They are just there, being together, and feeling the peacefulness of that in itself without needing to look above themselves or to each other for validation and acceptance.  Sure, one might shine more brightly, but they know they are all stars and belong to the same collective of stars.  There is no image or personality to portray outwardly because each one knows the self, within.

Know yourself within, sweet loves of Earth.  It seems like it might be hard work at first, but to know yourself is to receive the same peace and ease of being as your inspiring stars display.  Lightworker, work the light you are!  To do that, you must find it first, and this is why we are here with these words.  We are calling you within and showing you that the work isn’t hard at all; it’s a shaping and forming of the light of the self which only takes your careful attention and simple observance.  Looking to yourself and admitting how much you love yourself is all it takes, and then you are on your way.  What you thought was work is actually play.  You are one of the stars and you will rise higher and shine brighter when you find the joy and love within.  It’s right there with you and we see you shining just like all the other stars on Earth and in your skies.

Up is the way!  It’s time to wake UP and rise into a new dimension of love where you can sparkle and twinkle with the same ease, peace, and joyfulness your stars display.  Just reach into yourself and pull out the love waiting there.  This love is for you and it’s coming from you, from all of us, and from all the other stars in your collective.  We are one and we are ready to welcome you into the fold.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
