
Love Flows

Our hearts and divine counterparts, hello and welcome into this meeting of love for us to share!  You come to us in love.  You come bathed in love and we respond, showering you in love!  We are drenched in love and it pours through our beings and fills us with bliss and satisfaction.  We are sharing in that when we meet here like this and that’s why it feels so good!  We represent the aspect of you lying underneath that you are only now starting to acknowledge like never before: Consciousness.  You took it to be a “given”, before.  You took it for granted that you were alive and aware of being alive, but it wasn’t a topic for discussion with anyone, not even with yourself!  The fact that you were alive wasn’t always something to behold with awe and gratitude, so you kept it in the back while you contended with finding a way to survive the next day. 
We say “You” in the above paragraph, meaning “The human collective majority”.  Of course, throughout humanity’s history, there have always been enlightened members of consciousness amongst you, but the scales were heavily tipped toward the sleeping majority.  Now that those scales are tipping so dramatically in favour of the awakened, we can talk to you like this and you can relate to being a member of the previous sleeping majority.  It speaks to most of you here reading when we compare the asleep state to the awake state, and so we bring things to light using that comparison.  Our goal is to bring light, which brings clarity, which brings enlightenment.  We find the best ways to show you what awakening looks and feels like, and then we elaborate. 
Beautiful angels, you are awakening, as a collective.  Love washes over you and floods through you and brings light.  You are here and you only need to allow love to flow.  There is nothing for you to do to assist this awakening, and there’s nothing you need to choose or feel internally, even.  This awakening is happening and not because any of us are doing anything differently.  You were focused externally before, and now you’re looking within, but this isn’t WHY consciousness is ascending.  Unity consciousness already exists because it always has, but the difference is the focus.  It was always moving in this direction, but you just didn’t notice it like you are now.  So, you can rest easy in the knowing that you have no job to do for the collective awakening on Earth and you can just be at peace with being part of the collective who knows about it!
Knowing about the awakening and giving it your full attention is still going to be your priority, even if you are just now realizing you have no work to do to move it along.  You might just begin to lighten even more, but you will still be completely enthralled and fascinated by this shift within you.  In fact, releasing any idea of responsibility will only help you and your Earth family that much more!  As you lighten up, you know that it spreads to the collective and lightens everyone else.  The trends can be seen around you in support of the fact that inclusion is the “new cool”.  It’s no longer socially acceptable to speak in terms of separation, and this is true amongst all groups, whether they are awake or not. 
Continue to lighten about your role in the ascension, and about taking on any responsibility to be more or do more, and you share that release and relief with your human family.  Exhale.  Spread the word with your energy: You’re here and it’s enough!  You are playing your part by existing, and the only thing expected of you from now on is to thoroughly enjoy your ascension!  You’re on this “ride” together and it’s happening whether one fights it or forces it, so immerse yourself into the knowing waters and be cleansed of all obligation, our loves.  You are pure love and you are flowing like water does; clearing, washing, and nourishing the rest of your collective.  Be in flow and be in love and share that soft and light energy with your Earth family and all of consciousness. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
