
Pioneers for Consciousness

Our loves, our divine angels and soul-counterparts of this mission for consciousness, we greet you and welcome you here for this joining of hearts!  We are one united system of consciousness, all of us, through and through.  We are connected even when we feel disconnected.  There is no separating the one consciousness, but we can make it appear to be separated when we go on missions like the one we are on together in this moment.  You are there within an experience which offers much distraction from oneness, but it isn’t outside of your own choosing.  Consciousness is acting as many souls, and you, the souls of Earth, are carrying out a portion of the mission for us all where you remove yourselves from oneness and take yourselves far away from knowing about it.
A return is happening now, divine ones.  This experience of finding yourself separate from Source-consciousness and also feeling separate from your own collective on Earth is coming to an end.  It is a gradual return, and it is so subtle that you can hardly tell it’s there, but it is coming back into unity.  The choice you made was done in honour of expanding consciousness.  There are specific experiences which give us all a great exhale of breath and let us stretch out and know ourselves more deeply.  You are serving the one and the all, beloveds, by being inside of your Earth-experience.  And now, as you return into recalling that you belong to a much greater whole, you bring that experience onto Earth, as well!
Each experience each soul creates is serving all of consciousness.  The gratitude we hold for you knows no end and we could never come close to expressing it appropriately with the words we have here, but this gratitude works both ways!  There are vast numbers of souls carrying out experiences elsewhere and they are contributing to your expansion just like you are contributing with your experience!  We are helping each other, even when we don’t know it.  You can bring this into your awareness within your Earth-experience and now you are expanding consciousness even more because you are creating something never done before.  Now, you are bringing a new awareness to your planet and thus to all who inhabit it.  You can be within an experience of separation while knowing we are united as one, and now you are pioneers for consciousness, giving it something it has never felt before.
This message has been created to invite you to bring oneness more fully Into your awareness while you continue on in your experience of separation.  Allow yourself the assistance which you never knew was here.  Become aware of the many souls carrying out their own experiences, just like you, and unite in the heart.  Each one is contributing to you, individually.  If you go deep within and surpass everything about you that is physical, you’ll drop into the wide expanded universe where you have access to every experience occurring in this moment.  Feel the entire collective consciousness within your being, deeper than the physical self you know, and gather the value of those experiences into yourself.  It’s all available to you because it all IS you.
Let consciousness in.  Become one by bringing it to your awareness, and then move about in your experience with the same awareness of your own contribution.  We are united and it’s only the experience which makes it seem we are not.  So, by choice, we can bring it all together and that is what we invite you to do, in this moment.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
