
The Nature of Consciousness

Hello our divine loves and our divine lights of Earth!  Hello and thank you for being with us!  We appreciate you and your service to your planet, to your collective human family, and to all of us here in the “outer-rings” watching and being with you with the greatest honour, respect and love.  We are tied to you, in oneness.  As consciousness, we are all tied together, even to the planets, moons and suns, beloveds.  All celestial objects are beings, just like we are.  All animals are part of us, and even that which we consider inanimate, like plants and water, is part of us.  We are one, seeming to operate as many parts, but yet we remain one. 
Let’s feel this together for a moment, angels.  What does it mean to belong to a collective consciousness?  You are emulating it by being an individual part of it and so are the beings we mentioned.  Each part of consciousness mimics its whole self because it’s nature to do this.  You take a drop of water away from the cup, but it’s still water.  Its composition doesn’t change by being separated and it doesn’t operate differently than the rest of the water of which it is a part.  Consciousness remains in operation as a unified whole, even when removed from itself.
Each individual drop of consciousness is operating the same way consciousness is operating by itself.  As one, we are choosing to know the self more fully and expand our awareness.  So, as individuals, we do the same by nature!  We are doing as consciousness does because we are consciousness.  Zoom in closely on the separate parts and it will look like much more is happening.  It will look like consciousness is fighting itself in many ways, like on planets where wars occur and division of class is apparent, amongst many other things that seem to oppose oneness.  But zoom out, and you can see that it’s operating as one united piece in support of the main objective.  Your human family is all in support of you because it can’t not be; it’s in its nature to help you and each other. 
Zoom in closely again and look at examples in your world where another’s actions or words triggered anger or frustration in you.  Let’s say you witnessed someone living the life you so wished you could live, and he remarked about having difficulty staying happy.  Anger may have bubbled up in you at the thought of yourself in his shoes!  “How could he ever not smile?  He has everything I want!”  You then stopped yourself and noticed what just happened: Someone else may be looking at you as you look at him!  Someone else may wonder how you could ever be angry because you’re living the life they so want! 
In the smallest examples like this one, our loves, we guide and support each other.  We teach each other and we learn to love ourselves and look deeper within.  This is what the ONE, all of us as consciousness, is doing, and so we do it, too.  So, try if you will to detach, remain isolated and separated, or even try to impose hurt or harm to the collective of consciousness, and you will not get far.  The nature of consciousness weaves through every thought, effort, and action.  Even those challenging it and believing they are going against consciousness end up helping us all, inadvertently, like in our example above.  WE can’t help it, angels; we flow with who we are without resistance because we are one consciousness doing as one does in its myriad of ways. 
Look not to those who trigger you as the ones against consciousness’ divine plan, sweet ones.  Look now and recognize the unity and impenetrable force of love we are.  Love finds a way, even in the most dark and dire circumstances, beloved ones.  Consciousness is naturally love, and so love will seep through the cracks and find a way.  We are one and it can’t be ignored or resisted and this is why flowing with everything that happens will make it easier to travel back to this awareness.  Allow the collective to guide you, even when it seems they are against you.  We are united and we are nature.  This is the dawn of us all finding unity consciousness in our hearts again.  Love the journey for what it is, and continue to thank your collective for how it guides you to find your way back. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
