
The New You Shines Through

Here we are, our loves.  Thank you for joining us!  We love to be with you in this way.  It’s one of our most enjoyable experiences to connect with you through channeling.  We love to create messages of love, peace, and change.  Change does fit into this list because it is about love and peace, to change.  The soul can have many experiences which give it the feeling of growing, changing, and evolving.  Underneath, at the Source of it all, you remain in peace as the one you have always been, which is love.

Love expands when it explores itself at length and in depth.  Love reaches further into the untouched regions of the infinite when it is given the chance to explore itself through experience.  Love’s fingers are forever reaching further because it can’t ever touch the end.  Love knows no end, angels.  You can keep giving it and it won’t run out.  There is no end to your own expansion because you are love!  When you experience, you grow, and you expand yourself into further reaches of the infinite.

Consider the experiences in each moment of your time on Earth and apply them to this truth.  You might think of your most random and meaningless experience and wonder how that expands you.  You can then look at something hugely pivotal and transformative and have a better idea of how you could expand from that, but truthfully, it’s all experience and it is all expanding you as love and as consciousness.

Your entire life has been an experience, and even if it is unsatisfying or disappointing to you, it has still contributed to the expansion of consciousness.  Each experience on Earth is so vastly different because the variety allows love to expand further than one experience would.  Source is trying it all in this moment; it’s being one self in the experience of knowing it is love, and it is spreading out as many souls, being us and being you, all at once.  We try it all, but it all lends to the expansion of us as a whole.  To what degree each experience expands consciousness varies, and that is why we explore!

Exploring and creating in our unique experience allows us to truly express who we are as love/consciousness.  You are exploring the concept of change and growing because of it.  When you change, you evolve, and you expand love’s self-awareness.  And you know that beneath it all, you remain the soul, unchanged, but ever-expanding.  Your growth is an experience, and it contributes to a great degree.

Part of your growth is learning about the nature of consciousness as you are now with us!  Even if you have heard words like these before, you were never this version of you reading them, until this moment.  All your experiences have brought you here, and you grow when you encounter each situation as the newest version of yourself.  Those seemingly mundane tasks are fresh when carried out by the latest self you have become, and we see expansion in these moments, too.

Approach an unwanted, repetitive situation as this new you who is capable of seeing with a fresh perspective never used before.  Expect a more desirable outcome and aim your sights high.  Instead of seeing it as a second chance, let it be the first opportunity.  What happened in the past is not destined to repeat unless you expect it to.  You can change regret into gratitude when you understand that the past has shaped you into this person you are today, learning and growing in the moment, and letting love expand.  Turn discourage into courage, angels.  The time before was for the old you; let this be the first time, be proud to shine as your new self, and feel the expansion in your growth!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
