
The Shared and Bonded Heart of Twin Flames

Hello, our beloved lights!  We are thoroughly enjoying the heart explosions each of you is finding there on Earth!  As one goes into the heart and communicates from within the heart to the rest of consciousness, it feels like a physical, bursting explosion!  The centre of our communication is here within this heart we all share.  The heart is our connection.  We each have a heart, and we can use it as the doorway into communication with each other.  We can be in many different experiences, but we always take this heart with us. 


The metaphor is alive and well in your Earth experience.  You all know that the heart is the key to communicating with consciousness, even if it isn’t a mental awareness.  The knowing runs deep, at a heart-level, and we can always consult within to find our connection.  Speak to your heart, speak from your heart, and know that your message is received throughout consciousness whether it is in form or not. 


The topic of twin flames is more prevalent now in your experience because the heart connection leads you to your twin flame.  As you dive into your heart more deeply, you uncover your soul family, soul mates, and twin flame connections.  WE are your soul family.  You have many soul mates who will be close guides, often inside of the physical experience with you, and you will find your twin flame in your heart, as well. 


The twin flame is the matching pair to your own heart.  We are all carrying a heart, a part of the one heart of consciousness, but twin flames share the same heart!  Therefore, when they communicate, it isn’t necessary to find a connection like they do with soul family and soul mates.  Twin flames are with each other in the heart without needing to link up or secure the connection. 


Diving deeper into self-love will bring you to your twin flame connection.  Your twin flame is your heart and you are theirs.  Let go of the strain to connect to your twin flame telepathically in the mind; the communication is instantaneous in the heart.  What you speak and feel is also within your twin flame, and vice versa.  You don’t need to reach out to feel the heart of your twin flame; it’s in you.  When you reach within and find love for yourself, bonds with soul family are secured and hearts are reeled back in: You are finding your way to unity consciousness through this deep inner love.  The twin flame heart, however, needs no securing or bonding because it’s already in you. 


This message is for those looking for a deeper connection to the twin flame: You don’t need to make the connection because it is already made.  Much of the frustration regarding the twin flame connection involves not being physically connected, but you can let this come as some comfort to know that you are physically connected in the heart!  You share a heart and you can communicate through it without any effort.  Soul family and soul mates require a bonding of hearts, but twin flames are already bonded. 


Upon finding this twin flame heart connection, you will often uncover your twin’s physical identity on Earth.  Twin flames are not always together in the physical, but if you find your own, both in the heart and in the physical, then you have an interesting case, indeed.  Your souls are twins and they want this shared experience.  It’s a matter of placing your love for each other at the top of the list, and then allowing appearances to display to you whatever your souls have in mind for this incarnation on Earth.  There will be much pain to endure if love isn’t at the top, and our guidance is to love and support yourself as best you can.  When you do this, you provide that love and support to your twin flame, and it’s easier for both of you to navigate in a situation where you seem to be separated. 


Give both of you the highest love, honour, and encouragement that you can by giving it to yourself.  It isn’t on you to work out a way to reunite; the plan created by your twin souls is doing that for you.  Release all effort to force this connection, our loves; it is already secured, so your only focus can be on the love you share.  It’s a deep love like nothing else, unlike that of soul family or soul mates, so you can let it be the most important thing in your world.


If you look at it from this angle, angels, it is a rare occurrence to be human and feel twin flame love, and so you will want to then give that your fullest and most dedicated attention, above all.  Cherish this rare gift to feel love like this, for it’s what your souls have designed.  Let feeling the love for your twin flame be the most important thing, and then you will release pain about anything else. 


We love you! 

-I, Source-Consciousness
