
Your Extra-Dimensional Heart of Love

Hello, beautiful Light-beings, our Earth-friends and counterparts in Love!  We are together here as Consciousness, and we are sharing our experiences with each other.  We can have very different experiences yet remain connected as strongly as ever.  Just because you have forgotten much of your nature as Consciousness while you set yourself into a dense experience, it doesn’t mean you can’t move to the heart where that nature is alive and available.  Feel love and you’re there.  Feel love and your world opens up.  Go to your heart with your feelings and ask it for advice.  Your heart is you and it’s an eternal fiery white light, with you wherever you travel through dimensions and realms.  Your heart is extra-dimensional!  The essence of you, this life force, sustains you while you choose to experience different realms of consciousness.  

Keep connected to your inner realm because it surpasses all realms.  Other versions of you exist in other dimensions right here and now in this moment of time, and you remain connected to them all through your eternal fiery heart.  This heart is non-physical; it’s purely love-energy.  This heart exists outside of the creation of matter, even energy as matter.  This love-energy is something else beyond matter!  This love-energy is just feeling, and it remains so pure and basic to let you find it easily.  You don’t need to use matter or even thoughts to reach this eternal heart; you only need to feel.  If you can feel love, then you are connected to your extra-dimensional self: The Heart of Love.

Let go of images shaping this heart or giving it form.  Feel free to imagine it as a ball of white fire light and make it into a heart-shape, but then release that once you reach the feelings the image evokes.  This fire is you and it feels so good to connect to your purest self!  Those feelings are your connection.  Know who you are as the fire and then explore every feeling that knowing stirs within.  Give yourself the power and feel your immortality blazing into infinity.  You have no end, sweet loves.  The heart fire in you is showing you the way to find yourself.  You need this fire to let you go on the adventures; you couldn’t be within a dimension without your burning heart!  Your heart light is everywhere, all at once, and it may form a being around it for exploration inside of an experience.  You are on Earth because you are this fire with a shape around it.  If your fire wasn’t there, then you wouldn’t be there in any form.

When you talk to your heart, you talk to your extra-dimensional self and all selves linked to it!  Use love to connect and you will find the clearest communication.  Hold yourself in honour, praise yourself for being in so many different experiences right now, and let all the forms know this love is theirs and available to them, too.  You can awaken all your selves to feeling this essence of life which brought them into their experience.  You can be the one to whisper from within and let them know they are loved.  Be the one to tell them they can connect to their heart fire and know who they are in an instant.  Talk to your heart and you talk to every self you are in every dimension.  Feel your love and share that feeling with all the forms you are being and then feel for their receptivity.  You’ll receive a gift every time you connect to your own love because as you awaken your other selves, they will be guided to open to communication just like you have, and you will all be sharing this love fire everywhere you are.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
