
A Journey from Mind to Heart

We arrive here in light as one, as many, and as few!  We are all here in our various states of being whether with bodies or not, on a planet or not, and with a mind or not.  When you read words like this on a page, channeled from consciousness, it seems as though we have a mind like you do, a physical brain for thinking and computing.  We are not coming from a thinking state of being, angels, for we have no mental processes in the sense where we can deduce and problem-solve like you do with your brains.  We are coming directly from the heart, which is love, which is a mind, but doesn’t “think things through” like brains do.  So, we’re here to clarify what thinking and being are in relation to consciousness!

Our beloved angel Ali asked us, “What do you think of me?”.  We sent an image of a group of us in angel-form with blank stares on our faces.  She picked up the image and the feelings we sent with it which were to say, “We don’t think of you; we just love you!”  It stopped her in her tracks because it brought the realization that when humans personify their angels and guides, it can bring clarity!  To know that we don’t think of you helps you understand how much of your attention is spent on these mental processes where what you think and what others think is of primary importance.  When you give a moment of attention to what the guides feel for you, it reminds you that it feels good to be loved rather than “thought of”.

The mind of the heart does not think; it only loves.  The mind of the heart is just aware, just consciousness, and not for thinking.  When you see words here, from the heart, it appears as though they’ve been “thought up”, but it’s only because they have been "brought up" from Ali’s heart to her head so that they may be displayed on the page for you to read.  We send our love to you without words, but to allow your brain to know it, some discernment takes place through channeling, and our love is transposed for you to see in physical form.  Because you are associated with being physical, we must find ways to reach you there, and so we use your mind as the go-between.  Your mind is the intermediary or translator which lets you travel from mind to heart by reading the words.

We are delighted to have this way to reach you there in your physical experience because it’s how we reel you into your heart!  And when we reach you in your hearts, we are showing you what it’s like to feel, and this gives you some relief from the incessant thinking you so want to lessen.  Thinking can tighten the being, constricting it from its broad view, and the heart frees you from those constraints.  Sitting and feeling instead of sitting and thinking gives your being room to breathe.  Your pets are your mirrors for this way of being because they don’t think of you either; they just feel for you.

When we are guided by the heart, the mind plays no part.  Thinking can rest when your heart is blessed with your full attention.  Give thoughts away and come to the heart to play!  We are sure that you have received our message loud and clear, through the mind and into your heart, and so we leave but we stay here feeling you.  You are not on our minds; you are in our hearts.  We don’t think of you because we only feel for you, and you can adopt this way of being so easily, too.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
