
Feeling Love's Expansion Within

Hello, dear Lights of Earth!  You light the Earth with your presence!  You are filled with love, sweet angels.  You are human for your time there, but you are angel for all time.  There is no end to you, not even at the end of the experience.  You don’t end in the sense of dying, but you also do not end in the sense of expansion.  Forever and ever, our loves, you extend yourselves out and out and into greater love.  Our essence is love and to love, and this love we are only knows to grow, widen, expand, and stretch itself to further reaches.  Love isn’t reaching in space or time, though; it’s reaching into greater intensity and greater strength!  Without recalling your own nature fully, you know this expansion.  You naturally know that love has this desire and tendency to grow and get bigger and you know this without thinking about it because it’s just a feeling.

We love to talk about the feeling of love because at the source of who we are and beneath any experience we choose, we are this feeling of love.  All the way through, we are love.  Throughout this expansion of love are many points or dimensions of consciousness.  We are love when we choose a dimension to explore, and we stay as and with this natural love self even if the chosen dimension shows us that we are an individual body or soul.  Right now, you can let yourself feel your love nature by using your body’s emotions.  Begin by feeling what love is to you and then expand on that as you imagine yourself reaching to greater heights of feeling love.  When you do this, you are feeling yourself which is your very nature as love.

It isn’t a stretch to feel the love you are because it’s right there, being you in your experience.  The stretching and expanding IS you, right there where you sit on Earth.  Because you stretched your love to new heights, you found the Earth experience!  Expansion called you there; it wasn’t a fall from grace.  You are still in your same grace and glory because that’s the love which never leaves you and which you never cease to be.  Read these words but feel them, too.  You stretched and reached to become this great love, but this reaching is occurring within you and not far away.  Remember that there is no distance or space for love to travel, so it’s just HERE, present, and inside of each of us, now.  It’s a love pile-up because we love and expand within our own experiences, and then we collide within ourselves and meet that love, head-on.  We are one, so we share our expansion with each other, and the love we find is attainable where we all are: Within ourselves.

Let’s feel our expansion within ourselves now, and as we do that, let’s recognize the power and glory of our grace.  We are here in our grace.  We are royalty as one and therefore as each part of the One!  We are right here, and we are right now.  We are love.  Love’s expansion is here and now.  If you release the concepts of time and space, “here” and “now” take on new meaning and become the Presence and Power of love without location or age.  Love is just here and forever in a state of reaching for higher levels of intensity.  You ARE the power of love.  You are in your experience exploring time and space because of your power!  Let yourself continue to grow and expand by feeling your magnificent, glorious, and graceful love nature.  You are doing this already and it’s why you’re on Earth, so reach inside and feel your ever-reaching desire for more love.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
