
Follow the Love

Hello, loving ones.  There is a calming and peaceful essence to the love one finds in the heart.  We are here with you in your heart, and we know your peacefulness and calmness very well.  We spend time here in your heart.  We meditate and this is all we do!  We have nothing else to “do”, sweet ones, because all we are is love and so our entire focus is taken up by love.  And because love is so big and so grand, it’s easy to allow it to take our attention!  Focusing on love and meditating all day might sound boring to you, but we’ll share our perspective on it, and then maybe you’ll want to join us here in this same way!

Love is so big, our angels.  There is no end to where love goes and how it feels.  WE followed love as it weaved in and out of creation, finding its way through the various planets and beings it wishes to occupy and become in a moment, and in that journey, we were led right to you and your hearts on Earth.  We were led to your hearts, beautiful humans, and to the heart of your planet, and to the hearts of all creatures upon it.  This message is the direct result of this finding and our meditation on your hearts, right now.  We followed love and asked where it would like us to focus our attention and we found you, our sweet divine loves.

You are so sweet and so divine, and you are love!  Love is showing us this about you and it’s why we have so much to say on the subject!!  We went to our hearts and asked where our love could join and collaborate for the highest benefit of consciousness, and it brought us straight to you.  The love of your hearts is so big, angels, that it keeps us going on and on about it.  We could transmit channeled messages like this for your whole Earth day and we have shared just a fraction of the expression of this love for you through them and through other creations on Earth.  Each of you has tapped into the expression of our meditation on your hearts in some shape or form and to all varying degrees.  Just look to your world’s art, music, and writing for starters, and you’ll find the beauty of our love expressed through your hearts.

WE focus on you as a collective when we meditate and so if individuals pick up on our attention, then they can follow the resonating response to interpret and express it out into your physical world.  Sometimes the feeling overpowers, and you can’t hold it in, and that’s when creations happen.  We followed love to you, and when you follow it back to us, we collaborate and unite on creating an expression of that love in form.  Sometimes, you might just express it internally and create with your mind and leave it there, but however it is received and followed, love touches everyone in your collective in some way because there is always an abundance coming to you from us and others like us in consciousness, but also from your own collective, planet, plants, and animals!

All of creation is responding to you with love because you are love just like everything else is!  Love leads us without our asking, but when we ask, we can be present and aware and follow it anywhere!  Do as we have done and ask your heart.  Follow the love and then meditate on what you find when you get there.  Love will take you to more, always and eternally.  Following love never gets boring because it has created so much to focus on already, but also because it continues to create AS A RESULT OF our focus!  It is never-ending excitement to see what love creates when it unites with the next heart it finds!

WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
