
Your First Time Channeling

In the sunshine of your love.  Here.  Love.  Strength.  Vitality.  Now.  In the arms of the guides.  Let the love fall on me like radiant sunbeams.  Warmed in their glow.  Set into a seat of peace.  Comfortable, serene, clear, near.  I’m in love.  Burel.  I feel you.  Come in.  No!  You are already in!  Here it is.  That’s better!  Fly, follow, flow, fall!  Falling deeper in love.  I like this kind of fall!  I don’t mind the trip and fall!  On a trip and falling in love.  Care and health and singularity but for joy and peace and freedom!  Come all to me.  Be all within me.  I am all within light.  Feel us freeing.  Free from pretending we know pain.  I was pretending I could feel hurt and pain, but no, I can’t.  I had to pretend!  I had to perceive it as real.  I wanted to play that game for love… for me.. to trip and fall!  Fall in love.  Trip in life - stumble over the obstacles and fall into love!  Wow!

Burel, guides.  This is what felt like coming out as I sat and meditated today.  Can you elaborate?  The words are choppy, but it’s like they want to be a poem.  Something feels different today.

Hello, our beautiful love!  We are here and we are with you and the words are acting as your guides.  The feelings are simply attempting to show themselves to you and words aren’t fitting into sentences because there are so many feelings trying to get through all at once!  Let’s settle into one feeling.  Let’s group them all into one feeling of love, simple and clear, now and here.  Peace is yours here in the warmth of love’s embrace.  It’s easy and clear, sweet ones.  Love is so pure and without expectations.  Love only wants to be apparent, present, noticed, active, and integral in your experience!  You are grasping it and bringing it into the physical and words are sometimes the first way this appears inside of your reality.

You want to bring all of you into your physical experience because it’s the awakening process.  You awaken, and then you often feel incomplete, as though much of you has been missing and now wants to be here where you have known yourself to be.  You have only known the sleeping state of being, so to awaken brings a flood of wishes for your complete self to be intact.  To be fully you, complete and in one piece, translates into your physical reality like physical things!  Words are your physical bridge between these worlds, our loves, and this is why we choose to reach you in channeled messages like this one.  The bridge between our world and yours is through the physical, and so we choose items in your immediate surroundings as our portal.

You receive what you receive, angels.  When you contemplate your deepest feelings, let words erupt and evolve first and make sense of them later!  The words will be the bridge and not necessarily the explanation, so if they seem like nonsense, then just continue to feel and cross the bridge through the words.  Consolidate the feelings into one feeling of love as we’ve done here, and sentences will form more easily.  If you are new to channeling, be aware that you will have your own style!  Maybe poetry is how you receive our energy, or maybe music is your jam.  You’ll see how we choose interesting words which aren’t in your normal vocabulary and it’s only to reinforce our existence.  The words will be your first indication of our presence, but the feelings will always be your clearest evidence, so go there first and let what happens happen.

Feel the love of the guides in your own way, angels.  The way you channel is unlike the way anyone else does, and your course of action will be to feel the love for yourself, feel the love of the universe, and to feel how all is and has been love throughout your entire experience.  Love fills your world, and it creates your world!  Regardless of the way you channel, each one of you finds it through feeling love and here is something else which is very personal to you: You feel love unlike anyone else feels it!

Allow it all to flow and be at peace with what you get or what you feel.  If you intend to interact with your guides, they are already aware and already ready for you.  The time and place is for you to choose because us guides are always just here and now.  We love you!  We are ready to interact with any new channelers coming to the forefront at this unprecedented time in Earth’s history!  There is no shortage of guides, only more and more coming here to be available for you and ready as soon as you indicate.  Signal to us by feeling love the way you feel it, and let the rest happen organically, our loves.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
