
How Love Gets a Rise Out of You

Stars, angels, our beautiful loves of Earth.  We are here and we are ready to receive you and to transmit to you!  There is an exchange of hearts here in our messages, and there is love flowing through them, always.  We fill your world with love because you fill ours with love!  Filling with love is the way to ascend in consciousness!  There are varying levels of love as needed for each level of ascending through the dimensions of consciousness, and for you, this present moment with us is about filling with the highest levels of love available to you there on your planet.

We are there with you on your planet, available to you whenever your heart is open and ready to receive us.  If you’re reading this, then you’re ready!  You have different needs at different levels of consciousness, our sweet ones, and love comes in a variety of forms to suit those needs.  If you are in a place where you are very unaware of love’s availability all around you, then it will seek you out and help you become aware.

Love knows the way!  If it’s pushing and prodding you need, it’s what you’ll receive!  You will find love coming to push your buttons when it’s time to awaken to its presence, and depending on the urgency, this might not be so subtle, our angels.  Whatever the method, you can trust in love to find the most effective one for you for the moment and its intention is always to help you awaken.

Love wants you to awaken to its presence and availability; it’s there for you in great abundance and you can have it at any moment.  Love’s delivery system is carefully considered and often involves the recruitment of humans you know and love.  Don’t be surprised when the humans closest to you come to push your buttons because it’s just love working through them as agreed and as arranged!  The timing is precise and perfect, and the method of delivery is effective.

Love is made to get a charge out of you and if that means pushing your buttons, then all hands are on deck; everyone works to get a rise out of you!  Think of that, angels: To get a RISE out of you!  If you rise up and take notice, then you become aware of love’s presence, filing with love, thus RISING or ascending in consciousness!  No, you won’t see love in the provocation at first, but after you have awakened, it will be clear and evident, and you will smile at the memory with gratitude.

We love you, sweet ones.  We are here to love you!  We’re the ones who get a rise out of you with higher love.  This type of love which calls for your awareness is the type to bring fulfillment to your heart and overwhelm you with beauty!  That makes you stand up and take notice as much as button-pushing does, and it’s the type of love asking for your attention right now.  Depending on the moment and your needs, love will find the most appropriate way to reach you.  It’s up to you to trust in the magic of the method, and let love choose how to get your attention.  Just know love wants to make you aware of its presence and to do that, it finds the best way to get you to rise and take notice.

WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
