
Simply Love Yourself

Divine loves.  We are here in numbers you cannot imagine.  There are collectives here for you, sharing their love and support, and preparing words to bring through for this moment of your experience.  We gather when the energy calls and we do not hesitate when it’s for the human collective because you are of primary focus right now in Source’s eyes.  Our hearts are all focused on you and your journey because of the great expansion it is creating.

The majority of the collectives here are not in bodies like you, but we are reaching you with our hearts and we are with you just as much as any person there next to you on your planet.  We are just as present and available as any human being, sweet loves.  You can contact us in any moment and the same is true for the humans you wish to connect with.  The body is a vehicle and a vessel; it is a means of moving through an experience, but it is not your sole method of connection and communication.  Relationships are not purely physical.  The entirety of you is there within that body you inhabit, so you may utilize it in full and connect like we do through the heart, through love.

We are all linked through our consciousness, angels.  We are all angels.  Some are in bodies while others are not, but we are all the same and all connected already before we choose to embark on any experience.  Some experiences occur in time, like yours, and some occur in the moment, like ours.  We might be having different experiences and occupying different shapes and spaces, but we are still always linked and available to each other in our unity as the heart of consciousness.  This ability is not out of your reach just because you hold little awareness about it; it is with you, and so with a decision to shift your attention to it, it becomes available.

You are an angel on Earth, divine being.  There you are in time, in body, and in space, and you are fully angelic, entirely occupying the experience as the heavenly being of consciousness you are.  All of you is there on Earth and not split into distant places, realms, or dimensions.  You are fully present, and you may access your whole self.  The dimension you are in might seem to provide less access to your fullness, but if you move through your heart and love yourself with every fibre of your being, you will access that fullness of yourself and connect with all of consciousness through this heart portal.

The key through the portal is love: Love yourself entirely and access yourself entirely.  You may open to this love and all the riches held within it and feel it as it fills your time, fills your body, and fills your space.  It’s a choice to make love fill your experience in all possible ways, and it begins with knowing about it.  So, here we are with the first reminder, the gateway to the portal, these words on this page: Love yourself and access all of consciousness.

We leave it at that as to not complicate something which is so easy for any one of you to do, our loves.  Simply love yourself and keep it free of clutter, excuses, or fear.  Simply love yourself and open the gateway to your heart.  We are here so great in number and so willing and excited to support you and connect with you, so take a moment and just love.  Love and connect.  Let’s be friends.  Let’s start a friendship and a relationship.  Let yourself start a relationship with anyone you choose, but let it start within first because that’s how you unlock the portal to all relationships with consciousness.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
