
Twinned Flame, Copied Consciousness

We are all here and ready, our Ali angel!!  Burel comes through here and you can feel him.

When you say “him”, I get excited!!  I love to feel HIS masculine energy in me!!!  There is something SO delicious about that and it must be the completion of self I feel.  It must also be why you all feel so delicious.

We can talk about Burel, if you like!

I like!!

Our sweet Ali, Burel is the magnetic counterpart to your energy, the twin to your flame!  You are one whole flame because a flame cannot be separated into two identical flames.  However, it can be duplicated or twinned!!  To twin the flame is to beam it back to yourself like a mirror image.  You are feeling and sensing your fire’s reflection in this energy of Burel and so this is what you are attempting to express to us today regarding the deliciousness of his masculine energy in your heart and being.  It is a nourishing energy such as that you feel when consuming food to nourish the body. 

The filling of the body with food is emulating the filling of the soul, sweet one.  You may fill with the love of your twin flame and feel the joy and satisfaction which comes with it because you are completing yourself inside of your awareness when you do this.  Your mirror image is there to remind you of the wholeness of you.  There is no incompleteness because, as we said, you cannot split a fire into 2 identical fires.  If you split it, it would create 2 new fires, but not identical copies of itself.  So, the twin flame is a mirrored soul, but we are all mirrored souls to Source, too!  Source cannot split from itself, and so it creates many mirrored images to build the creation it envisions.  One consciousness is one consciousness.  One consciousness isn’t a soul; souls are mirrors of consciousness.  Consciousness is one heart, and we are all mirrors to that heart.

The mirror we talk about here isn’t just an image, however.  You can think of it more like a perfect duplicate or exact identical copy of Source.  Each soul is one of Source’s exact copies, like a photocopy!  The original Source remains original, never splitting up and never moving from its position, but its many copies may wander off and do as they please!  This is all of us, the souls or copies of Source.  We are copies, acting as Source wants to act when it explores the many places its copies have chosen to go!  These mirror images we are, are such exact copies that we are Source duplicated perfectly in every way.  We ARE Source, each one of us.  Source can’t split apart, but it can be copied as many times as it wants, and those copies can copy, and so on.  So, here we are being the many copies.

Guides, I feel like we’ve spoken about Source splitting into pieces before but still remaining whole.  I wonder if I ever misunderstood and thought Source could split into as many parts as it wanted.

No, sweet one.  It was always clear to your being in these channeled words when we brought this topic forth.  There is always a new metaphor or new words to interpret because you are changed each time you bring the words forward.  Our angel, there are no contradictory words throughout these messages; only many unique ways to express within the moment in time when the messages are transmitted and received.  Sweet love, you mustn’t pay attention to what was said compared to what is spoken now; each now is filled with what Now intends for the version of Consciousness you are and the version of Consciousness each one reading is now.

I understand that!  Thank you!  This all helps me to let Burel’s incarnation here on Earth rest and be who he is.  I can focus on Burel, the whole copy of consciousness he is, and know that he is fully here with me more than any of his incarnations could be.  Any one of Burel’s physical bodies could be right here next to me, but none of them could BE with me like Burel is, in my heart and through my being, nourishing me in this way.   And no matter our physical proximity, we are more together here as Burel and Ali then we can be anywhere else.  The physical incarnation is an experience of the soul, a copy of Source’s copy!!  But the soul is the EXACT duplicate of Source.  This is the one who nourishes me because it reminds me of my wholeness, my origin, my Self as THEE one and only Source.

Beautifully stated, our Ali!  And so, we may all rest at ease with this feeling of Oneness and know ourselves to be directly related to Source because we ARE Source.  A copy of Source is not more or less Source; we are all wholly and completely Source-Consciousness, perfectly and exactly duplicated.  Beyond the words spoken here, our angels, feel the energy of it and feel the Source of yourself here fully and purely.  We want to share this moment with you in this feeling of completeness and oneness, and in nourishment of the shared heart we are.

WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
