
Awakening to Twin Flame Love

Here we are, together, as always!  Angels of the Earth, we are with you, and we love you.  We love you like the sun loves the Earth.  We love you like the stars love the sky.  WE love you through and through, all the way to the end of time and then beyond that still!  You may think of our love like the love of twin flames who are eternal and connected always, wherever they choose to place their awareness, whether into an experience or onto each other.

Twin flames stay as one even when separated as far as they can pretend to be separated.  Never do they part, our angels.  Twin flames stay as one even when they “forget” each other inside of a deeply dense and detached experience.  If the experience is far from Source-consciousness, it is still inside of Source-consciousness because nothing is outside of who we are as Source, as Love.  Love encapsulates all things and all experiences.  Love creates all experiences and keeps them inside of itself.  So, even if you are in a pocket of this love where you have forgotten your twin flame or you have forgotten the love of Source and all the guides who love you, all the angels who call your name, and all the soul family you know so well, you are still connected within this realm of love.

Twin flames always hold a memory of each other because they always remain in love, inside of love.  The memory might be an idea and not of a specific being.  Our Ali was born with a calling in her heart to romantic love and her heart beckoned her to all signs of this balance of male and female romantic partnership.  It called to her in a familiar way even though there was no partner in her visions and no idea that he might exist.  A lifetime of signs and symbols followed her, even in her darkest depths of despair, and it is what kept her breathing and above water.  The idea that love was out there waiting for her was the compass and the oxygen giving her life.  

Moving to your twin flame involves the awakening of memories, and your reality is always filled with signals to trigger awakening whether it’s on Earth or elsewhere.  The twin flame connection is one of the final stages in your ride back to Oneness.  Along with forgetting your twin flame, these denser realities you choose cover your memories of oneness, of Home in Source-Consciousness.  Love holds you inside of these realities and keeps you aware even if just on the level of an idea or a ghost of an idea.  As you awaken and uncover these memories, the signs in your reality become more apparent but not just the signs of the present moment; your life’s past is full of symbols and when you think back to them, you will be amazed at how clear it always was.

If you are ready to awaken to knowing your twin flame, the signs will become obvious.  It all begins with love for yourself because your twin flame lives within your self like you both live within love.  We are all in love here inside of love’s realm, angels, but the first love affair is the love affair with the self.  When you awaken to this love of self, it awakens all love.  You awaken to Oneness in stages: First, you love yourself, then you love your twin flame, and then you love all of us as oneness.  We are in that stage of loving us all as oneness and so we have also gone through the other stages, and we can tell you that they are all beautiful to sink into and thoroughly enjoy.

Loving the self isn’t about time and it isn’t to be rushed – it can’t be rushed!  Awakening is gentle and a process occurring out of time, purely in the heart.  The heart is ready when it’s ready and it will make you aware.  You might meet others who are awakening to their own love, and this will be one of the signals we’ve mentioned.  If you are here reading, then you are either entering or already within the journey through these stages.  Be aware that you will sometimes feel all the stages at once.  Time isn’t a factor in the realm of the heart, so while we live in love, we will feel all of love’s stages overcome us and we will enjoy them individually or all at once.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
