
How You Guide Your Guides

Hello, our sweet loves of Earth!  Here we are, your loving family of guides in the stars.  We are with you now and always, our divine beings of Light.  We are your friends and partners in ascension.  We are all on the ascension track and we are guiding and assisting each other in the ways we all need each other to.  You are guides to us, too.  You aren’t consciously aware of how much you do for us, for the most part, but you are working with us side by side, showing us the way just like we are showing you the way.

Through your unique path to ascension, we learn from you and incorporate your techniques into our own journey.  The way you express through the human being’s form and emotions shows us so much about who we are because we are mirrored in you.  We look at you as extensions of ourselves, and you may do the same when you look at us.  We are all made of the same stuff, this love stuff we call “consciousness”, and we are cut from it in the same way even though we are having very different experiences.  Beneath our experiences, we are identical in every way.  We are all the same consciousness, and all being an experience for consciousness.

Everything you feel and do while experiencing in and as the human form is directly supporting ascension and everyone else embarking on it with you right now.  Consciousness is ascending, and it is using its many varied experiences to make that happen as smoothly and efficiently as possible.  There are things you have there in your human experience which lend to what we are experiencing in our journey outside of form.  We have chosen to remain in a formless state of being for our ascension, and so we are not given anything else to focus on except for our path.  You, however, have a body full of wonderful sensations and emotions, and it is affording you a very different way of experiencing the ascension pathway we are sharing.

You walk beside us in ascension, and yet you are not as engaged or focused on it consciously.  You are heavily focused on your physical experience, and that makes for a unique and specialized journey of ascension from which we may also reap the benefits!  By following your experience of the physical form and all its wonders, we see a new way of accessing the love within the self and it gives us ideas on how to approach that here in our realm.  Through your focus on physical sensations and their resulting emotions, we are learning new ways to access our own love, our own hearts.  You gain much insight into the heart through relationships and your body’s response to those relationships.  You have relationships with both physical and non-physical entities, but the effect on the body is what intrigues us and helps us to access these new methods of self-love and finding the heart.  

There are many ways to find the heart, and whether we are in form or not, it’s the way to get into the ascension groove and walk the ascension staircase with ease.  When you find the heart via the physical body, it’s a much different experience than we have where there is no body to take our focus from the main objective.  However, your focus on the body does not hinder your ascension; these emotions and physical sensations are only another way to gain access to the heart.  Your body leads you to the heart, and the journey from body to heart is so unique and unlike anything we could experience without the body to give us these feelings you encounter.  The twists and turns you go through, the pleasures, the pains, the highs and lows, all create a new and exciting approach to finding your love within!

We are piggy backing on your experiences, living vicariously through you, our angels, and it’s providing us with ways to reach our hearts which we would have never known about or thought of without your experience to guide us.  So, we thank you for taking this wild adventure as the human being, because you are doing it for consciousness and for our shared ascension.  We are grateful to walk with you and we want to share our own ways to guide you to the heart as thanks for what you give us through your physical experience.  We will continue to share our methods of finding love in the heart as we remain here in the highest appreciation for the way you share yours with us.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
