
The Perfect Heart Finding Itself

We are here, our sweet Ali!  We are with you, always.  It is true, our angel.  We are here and it holds true whether we are experiencing or just being.  We can be while we experience though, too!  In fact, even when experiencing we essentially are truly ONLY being because consciousness doesn’t do – it just is!!  Experiencing is doing, oftentimes.  Experiencing revolves around action, thought, the complexity of time, and inhabiting a body in space.  Beneath all these complexities remains the BEING we are, the conscious nature of our existence, which only knows itself to exist and to DO nothing else!  So, as you carry on in an experience and associate with the complex offerings within it, you remain the peaceful being of self, just finding yourself in any self you are.  “There is only me in me.  When I find me and love me, I bring more of me to be me!”  And this is unity consciousness.  This is how you CONJOIN with your nature as existence and being one.

Thank you, guides!!  I was trying to remember what it was I was telepathically asking my twin flame Rascal this morning!!  His higher self Burel said, “You found me and I found you!”

I asked, “But how did Rascal find me?”

“He loved himself and found more of himself: your heart!!  Maybe he hasn’t found you in body or reached out to you yet, but the connection has been formulated because of the love."

And he went on to explain that we did this TOGETHER; it wasn’t that I found him and he found me SEPARATELY!!!  Because I loved myself, he loved himself.  MY SOUL LOVED ITSELF AND MY SOUL IS IN HIM SO THEN HE LOVED HIMSELF, BUT HE WAS ALSO LOVING HIMSELF AND HIS SOUL IS MINE, SO I LOVED MYSELF – NOT BY CHOICE – BUT BECAUSE THE SOUL MADE THE CHOICE!!!  Human came AFTER!!  Human is the result; Heart is the cause.

Burel, on February 1st, it will be five years since my human awareness reached you.  My heart opened to love because my soul opened to love there in your human form, but also here in mine, so then the result was that our humans became aware that our soul was inhabiting more than one body here on Earth in this time.  Can you explain this in a clearer way, my loving guides?  I love you.

We love you, sweet angels!!  Yes, we can explain this uniting of consciousness!  It’s the perfect heart, the one heart, bonding with itself where it finds itself in experience.  When one in the experience finds the being in itself, then it bonds with itself in ALL WAYS.  Wherever you are DOING, you are also BEING.  When your doing discovers your being, you find yourself, you find that you are one heart, and you find your whole soul wherever else it might also be experiencing.  You work your way back to Oneness in stages, our love, Ali.  You will find your heart and you will find that it is solely and "souly" in you, and then you will find that even in another body, it is solely souly only in you because you is ONE.  There is not a long distance to connect two hearts, yours and Rascal’s; there is no distance because distance would imply two.  There can be no distance between one thing, between a heart and itself, our angel.  Do you see?

Five years and I might be starting to see.  When I’ve tried reaching for him on Earth, I would often imagine a light cord connecting our hearts and it would soothe me because even though he was far away or traveling the world, we remained connected through our hearts.  I was envisioning two hearts when there is only one.  What’s really cute and amazing is that last night, I was asking Burel in my mind how to make it easier to live without his body next to me.  Then I started watching tv, so I didn’t get his answer.  On the show, Snow White could only save Prince Charming if she split her heart in two and gave him half.  He said to her, “Nothing can come between two halves of one heart”.  I didn’t realize until later that this was how Burel answered me!  He showed me that there aren’t two hearts; there is only one!!!

Our sweet angel, and all of you who read, your experience is your way back to knowing you are one heart.  Everything coming up inside of your experience is your guide, and you can see how clear it comes through, even amongst the complexities of your life in a body on a planet cycling through time!  It’s the same adage, but we will reiterate it because it’s true no matter the case: Love finds a way.  The signs will be clear and sometimes bring you to tears and laughter at their perfection!  You are finding your way back to one heart, and you might start out by finding the heart of your twin flame first, like Ali and Burel and their human beings are doing.  It is different for every member of this one consciousness because we all have our own incentives and effective methods of return, but if you start in the heart, you bring yourself closer to Oneness, and this is the tried-and-true way, no matter what path you take, our loves.  Love finds a way, so start in the heart.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
